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Celiac Disease
If you have celiac disease, you will need to remove foods and drinks that contain gluten from your diet.
Following a gluten-free diet can relieve celiac disease symptoms and heal damage to the small intestine.
At Fit N Glow clinic, we can guide you on what to eat and drink to maintain a balanced diet
Fit N Glow life style diet is designed to help you reshape your lifestyle by adopting healthy new habits and breaking unhealthy old ones. The goal is to make simple, pleasurable changes that will result in a healthy weight that you can maintain for the rest of your life.
Fit N Glow diabetes diet simply means eating the healthiest foods in moderate amounts and sticking to regular mealtimes. Our diabetes diet plan is a healthy-eating plan that's naturally rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories.
*Appointment date and time will be set based on availability
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